Marketing Pathways
The Marketing Cluster involves planning, managing, and performing marketing and sales activities to reach an organization’s objectives.
Marketing Communication
Marketing communications youth apprentices help plan and implement programs to generate interest in products or services.
Length of Apprenticeship: One year
Marketing Management
Marketing management/leadership youth apprentices help plan and coordinate activities that help a marketing team run efficiently.
Length of Apprenticeship: One year (Prerequisite Marketing, Communications, Merchandising or Professional Sales)
Marketing Research/Competitive Intelligence
Marketing research youth apprentices study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service.
Length of Apprenticeship: One year (Prerequisite Marketing, Communications, Merchandising or Professional Sales)
Merchandising youth apprentices sell merchandise to consumers. In addition, they work with merchandising displays and maintain product inventory.
Length of Apprenticeship: One year
Professional Sales
Professional sales youth apprentices carry out sales and sales related activities on behalf of a business. Youth apprentices determine customer needs, communicate product information, and handle sales transactions.
Length of Apprenticeship: One year